YP-Spur windows binary - openspur.org
YP-Spur binary downloads for windows
This page will be moved to https://github.com/openspur/yp-spur/releases.
Old YP-Spur binary downloads for windows
These windows binary archives are generated automatically. If you find a problem on these binary, please contact <atsushi dot w at ieee dot org>. (Replace "dot" and "at" with "." and "@".)
Old YP-Spur binary downloads for windows x86_64 (EXPERIMENTAL)
- YP-Spur is available under the MIT License and partially under the BSD License
- Binary version contains libgcc, pthreads-win32, and Qt static link libraries
- Windows binary 32-bit
- MinGW Runtime distributed under the MIT style license
mingw32-gcc-4.8.1,1 (http://www.mingw.org)
provided via FreeBSD ports
- libgcc distributed under the LGPL
mingw32-gcc-4.8.1,1 (http://www.mingw.org)
provided via FreeBSD ports
- pthreads-win32 distributed under the LGPL
mingw32-pthreads-2.8.0 (http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/)
provided via FreeBSD ports
- Windows binary 64-bit
- MinGW Runtime distributed under the GPL compatible license
mingw-w64-v4.0.2 (http://mingw-w64.org/)
- libgcc distributed under the LGPL
gcc-4.6-20130405 (https://gcc.gnu.org/)
- pthreads-win32 distributed under the LGPL
mingw32-pthreads-2.8.0 (http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/)